

It's really happening. You're going to have a baby.

Pregnancy can feel exciting, overwhelming, awe-inspiring, and anxiety-inducing... sometimes, all at once. There is so much to learn about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, and it can feel like a lot to take in all at once. You might feel nervous and unsure of what to expect, and you may be feel overwhelmed by all of the decisions you'll need to make for you and your baby. Perhaps you’re not sure what to expect when labor begins (or even how to tell when it does), or about how to prepare for giving birth. Likely, your partner feels nervous about being your sole support person during such an intense time. There’s so much to plan for, and most couples feel like they’re missing something.

What's missing is your doula.

hi, i'm the doula.

My name is Nancy Caballero, and I'm a birth and postpartum doula in Fayetteville, North Carolina. I'm passionate about helping new parents have the best pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences they can. As a doula, my job is to help you know what to expect through every stage of your journey, and to help you understand all of your options along the way. My role is never to tell you how to do something or what the "right" choice is- it's to help you make decisions that feel right for you. No matter what they are.

My story begins six years ago with the birth of my first child. I was young and had no idea what to expect, and when I developed complications, my dreams of a "normal" pregnancy went out the window. After my son was born, I began volunteering with local support groups such as The Carrying On Project and Mom2Mom, which is where my passion for doula support began.

I was born in El Salvador, and grew up in Fort Myers. Before I was a doula, I was an active duty parachute rigger in the Army for eight years. I'm fluent in Spanish, and when I'm not attending births you can find me traveling, finding new places to eat, and watching movies.

Nancy Caballero





Fayetteville, Raleigh, Cary, Chapel Hill, Southern Pines, Aberdeen


why doula support?

Doula support helps new parents feel more confident, supported, and prepared for the birth of their child. A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous, one-on-one support to a pregnant person and their partner during labor and delivery. Doulas can help with physical comfort measures, such as massage, counterpressure, and positioning; supporting and encouraging the partner to be involved; providing information and resources for decision-making; and provide effective emotional support and encouragement.

Studies have shown that doula support has a positive impact on the childbirth experience. For example, one study found that pregnant people who received doula support were less likely to have a cesarean delivery, had shorter labor times, and reported higher satisfaction with their childbirth experience. Additionally, doula support has been shown to improve breastfeeding rates and reduce the risk of postpartum depression. Doula support is an invaluable resource for new parents as they navigate the challenges of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.

support packages and services


Adding doula support to your birth plan means that you and your partner have unlimited access to information, resources, support, and guidance for each stage of pregnancy, birth, and recovery. Labor and birth support from a professional doula helps families have happier outcomes and healthier babies. Doula support includes phone and text support, prenatal visits, birth planning, guidance for your partner, help during recovery, postpartum visits, and so much more!


Bringing your baby home is exciting and overwhelming- all at once. Postpartum doula support means having access to answers to all of your questions and worries- whenever they come up. Visits from your postpartum doula include guidance for baby care, help with feeding, discussions about recovery and adjustments, and practical hands-on help like meal prep, laundry, and light housework. Postpartum support is the difference between surviving and thriving the newborn period!



The best way to prepare for an amazing birth and postpartum period is to be educated and to understand your options. Childbirth education and postpartum preparation classes help expectant parents understand the process of labor and delivery, what to expect during each stage of childbirth and postpartum, and help parents make informed decisions about their childbirth experience. Ask me how we can add classes to your birth or postpartum support package!



Your placenta can help you recover from your birth! Placenta encapsulation is the process of cleaning, dehydrating, grinding, and encapsulating your placenta into pills that you take regularly during your postpartum period, just like a vitamin. Benefits may include improved energy, higher iron levels, increased milk supply, reduced postpartum bleeding, improved mood, and a general feeling of wellbeing. Let's talk about how this ancient remedy can help you feel amazing!

let's get together.

Ready to experience the difference doula support makes? Get in touch today to book your FREE consultation! We'll discuss your pregnancy, your goals for your birth and postpartum time, and how doula support can help you achieve them. Later, we'll get together for prenatal sessions and make a plan for the birth of your dreams! You'll have unlimited phone, text, and email support for all of your questions, concerns, and worries, and I'll be on call for you 24/7 until your baby arrives. Let's talk about how doula support can help you and your partner meet your baby with confidence!

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Nancy Caballero





Fayetteville, Raleigh, Cary, Chapel Hill, Southern Pines, Aberdeen


contact me

Please complete the form below to book your free consultation with me! There is no commitment- only opportunity. I can't wait to meet you!